Algorithmic Fairness Lectures
Transparency in Algorithmic Fairness
Data Science & Optimization Conference Toronto 2019
DeepBayes Summer School Moscow 2019
Discus ML Summer School Sussex 2019
Lviv Summer School 2020
University of Trento 2023
MSc Module
Topics in Computing Module ‘20
- Intro to M.L.
- Why are we interested in fairness?
- Definitions of Fairness
- Adversarial Representation
- How to enforce fairness
- Delayed Impact of Fair Machine Learning
- Fair Causal models
Topics in Computing Module ‘18
- Intro to M.L.
- Why are we interested in fairness?
- Definitions of Fairness
- Adversarial Representation
- How to enforce fairness
- Delayed Impact of Fair Machine Learning
- Fair Causal models