Parallel evaluation#
Collection of functions that enable parallelism.
Arrange the given algorithms to run (embarrassingly) parallel. |
Run the given algorithms (embarrassingly) parallel. |
- arrange_in_parallel(algos, data, num_cpus=None)#
Arrange the given algorithms to run (embarrassingly) parallel.
- Parameters
algos (Sequence[ethicml.evaluators.parallelism.Algorithm[ethicml.evaluators.parallelism._RT]]) – list of tuples consisting of a run_async function of an algorithm and a name
data (Sequence[ethicml.utility.data_structures.TrainTestPair]) – list of pairs of data tuples (train and test)
num_cpus (Optional[int]) – number of CPUs to use. None means all.
- Returns
list of the results
- Return type
- run_in_parallel(algos: Sequence[ethicml.algorithms.inprocess.in_algorithm.InAlgorithm], data: Sequence[ethicml.utility.data_structures.TrainTestPair], num_cpus: int = 0) List[List[ethicml.utility.data_structures.Prediction]] #
- run_in_parallel(algos: Sequence[ethicml.algorithms.preprocess.pre_algorithm.PreAlgorithm], data: Sequence[ethicml.utility.data_structures.TrainTestPair], num_cpus: int = 0) List[List[Tuple[ethicml.utility.data_structures.DataTuple, ethicml.utility.data_structures.TestTuple]]]
Run the given algorithms (embarrassingly) parallel.
- Parameters
algos – list of algorithms
data – list of pairs of data tuples (train and test)
num_cpus – how many processes can run in parallel at most. if zero (or negative), then there is no maximum
- Returns
list of the results