Fairness in Machine Learning

by Oliver Thomas

ot44@sussex.ac.uk - Predictive Analytics Lab (PAL)

University of Sussex, UK & BCAM, Spain

1. Introduction & Notation

Machine Learning

...using statistical techniques to give computer systems the ability to "learn" (e.g., progressively improve performance on a specific task) from data, without being explicitly programmed.

1. Introduction & Notation

Machine learning systems

Machine learning systems are being implemented in all walks of life

Picture credit: Kevin Hong

Picture credit: AlgorithmWatch

Picture credit: Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, UK

Social credit system, China Personal budget calculation, UK Financial services, Crime and justice,
Loan decision, Finland Recruitment,
etc. Local government




But there are problems:

Picture credit: New York Civil Liberties Union

2. What is Fair ML

Algorithmic bias

  • machine learning systems are making decisions that affect humans
  • these decisions should be fair
  • by default machine learning algorithms tend to be biased in some way
    • why?

Because the world is complicated!

The data is unlikely to be perfect.

The developer's (often arbitrary) decisions have a downstream impact

Business goals don't always align with fair behaviour



Biased training data


Bias introduced by the ML algorithm

2.1 Definitions

Which fairness criteria to choose?


Let's have all the fairness!

If we are fair with regards to all notions of fair, then we're fair... right?

2.1 Definitions

Which fairness criteria to choose?

Independence based fairness (i.e. Statistical Parity)

$$ \hat{Y} \perp S $$

Separation based fairness (i.e. Equalised Odds/Opportunity)

$$ \hat{Y} \perp S | Y $$

2.1 Definitions

Which fairness criteria to choose?

For both to hold (in binary classification), then either

  • $S \perp Y$, our data is fair, or
  • $\hat{Y} \perp Y$, we have a random predictor.

Similarly, Sufficiency cannot hold with either notion of fairness.

Illustrative Example

2.1 Definitions

Which fairness criteria to choose?

Consider a university, and we are in charge of administration!

We can only accept 50% of all applicants.

10,000 applicants are female and 10,000 of applicants are male.

We have been tasked with being fair with regard to gender.

2.1 Definitions

University Admission

We have an acceptance criteria that is highly predictive of success.

80% of those who meet the acceptance criteria will successfully graduate.

Only 10% of those who don't meet the acceptance criteria will successfully graduate.

2.1 Definitions

University Admission

As we're a good university we have a lot of applications from people who don't meet the acceptance criteria.

60% of female applicants meet the acceptance criteria.

40% of male applicants meet the acceptance criteria.

Remember, we can only accept 50% of all applicants

What should we do?

Truth Tables

Female Applicants

Accepted Not
Actually Graduate
Don't Graduate

Male Applicants

Accepted Not
Actually Graduate
Don't Graduate

Truth Tables

Female Applicants

Accepted Not
Actually Graduate $10000 \times 0.6 \times 0.8$ $10000 \times 0.4 \times 0.1$
Don't Graduate $10000 \times 0.6 \times 0.2$ $10000 \times 0.4 \times 0.9$

Male Applicants

Accepted Not
Actually Graduate $10000 \times 0.4 \times 0.8$ $10000 \times 0.6 \times 0.1$
Don't Graduate $10000 \times 0.4 \times 0.2$ $10000 \times 0.6 \times 0.9$

Truth Tables

Female Applicants

Accepted Not
Actually Graduate $4800$ $400$
Don't Graduate $1200$ $3600$

Male Applicants

Accepted Not
Actually Graduate $3200$ $600$
Don't Graduate $800$ $5400$

University Admission

Our current system satisfies calibration-by-group!

$$Y \perp S | \hat{Y}$$

How would we solve this problem being fair using Statistical Parity as our measure?


Select 50% of applicants of both female and male applicants

10% of qualified female applicants are being rejected whilst an additional 10% of unqualified males are being accepted.

Female Applicants

Accepted Not
Actually Graduate $5000 \times 0.8$ $(1000 \times 0.8) + (4000 \times 0.1)$
Don't Graduate $5000 \times 0.2$ $(1000 \times 0.2) + (4000 \times 0.9)$

Male Applicants

Accepted Not
Actually Graduate $(4000 \times 0.8) + (1000 \times 0.1)$ $5000 \times 0.1$
Don't Graduate $(4000 \times 0.2) + (1000 \times 0.9)$ $5000 \times 0.9$

Female Applicants

Accepted Not
Actually Graduate $4000$ $1200$
Don't Graduate $1000$ $3800$

Male Applicants

Accepted Not
Actually Graduate $3300$ $500$
Don't Graduate $1700$ $4500$

Female Applicants

Accepted Not
Actually Graduate -800 800
Don't Graduate -200 200

Male Applicants

Accepted Not
Actually Graduate 100 -100
Don't Graduate 900 -900

How would we solve this problem being fair using Equal Opportunity as our measure?

$$TPR = \frac{TP}{TP + FN}$$
Accepted Not
Actually Graduate $TP$ $FN$
Don't Graduate $FP$ $TN$
Select 55.5% of female applicants and 44.5% of male applicants, giving a TPR of 85.4% for both groups.

Female Applicants

Accepted Not
Actually Graduate $4440$ $760$
Don't Graduate $1110$ $3690$

Male Applicants

Accepted Not
Actually Graduate $3245$ $555$
Don't Graduate $1205$ $4995$

Female Applicants

Accepted Not
Actually Graduate -360 360
Don't Graduate -90 90

Male Applicants

Accepted Not
Actually Graduate 45 -45
Don't Graduate 405 -405

2.1 Definitions

Fairness based on similarity

  • First define a distance metric on your datapoints (i.e. how similar are the datapoints)
    • Can be just Euclidean distance but is usually something else (because of different scales)
    • This is the hardest step and requires domain knowledge

2.1 Definitions

Pre-processing based on similarity

  • An individual is then considered to be unfairly treated if it is treated differently than its "neighbours".
  • For any data point we can check how many of the $k$ nearest neighbours have the same class label as that data point
  • If the percentage is under a certain threshold then there was discrimination against the individual corresponding to that data point.
  • Then: flip the class labels of those data points where the class label is considered unfair

2.1 Definitions

Considering similarity during training

Alternative idea:

  • a classifier is fair if and only if the predictive distributions for any two data points are at least as similar as the two points themselves
    • (according to a given similarity measure for distributions and a given similarity measure for data points)

2.1 Definitions

Considering similarity during training

  • Needed similarity measure for distributions
  • Then add fairness condition as additional loss term to optimization loss

2.1 Definitions

Which fairness criteria should we use?

We've seen several statistical definitions and Individual Fairness

There's no right answer, all of the previous examples are "fair". It's important to consult domain experts to find which is the best fit for each problem.

There is no one-size fits all.

2.x Aside

Delayed Impact of Fair Learning

In the real world there are implications.

An individual doesn't just cease to exist after we've made our loan or bail decision.

The decision we make has consequences.

2.x Aside

Possible areas

Area Description
Active Harm Expected change in credit score of an individual is negative
Stagnation Expected change in credit score of an individual is 0
Improvement Expected change in credit score of an individual is positive

Possible areas

Area Description
Relative Harm Expected change in credit score of an individual is less than if the selection policy had been to maximize profit
Relative Improvement Expected change in credit score of an individual is better than if the selection policy had been to maximize profit

2.2 Approaches

Removing a sensitive feature

"If we just remove the sensitive feature, then our model can't be unfair"

This doesn't work, why?

2.2 Approaches

Removing a sensitive feature

Because ML methods are excellent at finding patterns in data

Pedreschi et al.

2.2 Approaches


Kamiran & Calders determined that one source of unfairness was imbalanced training data.

Simply count the current distribution of demographics

2.2 Approaches


Then either up/down-sample or assign instance weights to members of each group in the training set so that the results are "normalised".

2.2 Approaches

Problems with doing this?

Any Ideas?

2.2 Approaches

Problems with doing this?

What does this representation mean?

The learned representation is uninterpretable by default. Recently Quadrianto et al constrained the representation to be in the same same as the input so that we could look at what changed

2.2 Approaches

Problems with doing this?

What if the vendor data user decides to be fair as well?

Referred to as "fair pipelines". Work has only just begun exploring these. Current research shows that these don't work (at the moment!)

2.2 Approaches

Variational Fair Autoencoder

idea: Let's "disentangle" the sensitive attribute using the variational autoencoder framework!

2.2 Approaches

Variational Fair Autoencoder

Louizos et al. 2017

2.2 Approaches

Variational Fair Autoencoder

Where $z_1$ and $z_2$ are encouraged to confirm to a prior distribution

2.2 Approaches

Problems with doing this?

Similar criticisms to adversarial model, but more principled - we're able to be more explicit about our assumptions

2.2 Approaches

How to enforce fairness?

During Training

Instead of building a fair representation, we just make the fairness constraints part of the objective during training of the model. An early example of this is by Zafar et al.

2.2 Approaches

How to enforce fairness?

During Training

Given we have a loss function, $\mathcal{L}(\theta)$.

In an unconstrained classifier, we would expect to see

$$ \min{\mathcal{L}(\theta)} $$

2.2 Approaches

How to enforce fairness?

During Training

To reduce Disparate Impact, Zafar adds a constraint to the loss function.

$$ \begin{aligned} \text{min } & \mathcal{L}(\theta) \\ \text{subject to } & P(\hat{y} \neq y|s = 0) − P(\hat{y} \neq y|s = 1) \leq \epsilon \\ \text{subject to } & P(\hat{y} \neq y|s = 0) − P(\hat{y} \neq y|s = 1) \geq -\epsilon \end{aligned} $$

2.3 Causality


  • Fairness methods so far have only looked at correlations between the sensitive attribute and the prediction
  • But isn't a causal path more important?

2.3 Causality


Admissions at Berkeley college.

Men were found to be accepted with much higher probability. Was it discrimination?

2.3 Causality

Was it discrimination?

Not necessarily! The reason was that women were applying to more competitive departments.

Departments like medicine and law are very competitive (hard to get in).

Departments like computer science are much less competetive (because it's boring ;).

2.3 Causality

  • $R$: admission decision
  • $A$: gender
  • $X$: department choice

2.3 Causality

If we can understand what causes unfair behavior, then we can take steps to mitigate it.

Basic idea: a sensitive attribute may only affect the prediction via legitimate causal paths.

But how do we model causation?

2.3 Causal Graphs

Solution: build causal graphs of your problem

Problem: causality cannot be inferred from observational data

  • Observational data can only show correlations
  • For causal information we have to do experiments. (But that is often not ethical.)
  • Currently: just guess the causal structure

2.3 Causality

Path-specific causal fairness

$A$ is a sensitive attribute, and its direct effect on $Y$ and effect through $M$ is considered unfair. But $L$ is considered admissible.

2.3 Causality

Path-specific causal fairness

With a structural causal model (SCM), like this:

You can figure out exactly how each feature should be incorporated in order to make a fair prediction.

2.3 Causality

Path-specific causal fairness

  • Advantage: we can figure out exactly how to avoid unfairness
  • Problem: requires an SCM, which we usually don't have and which is hard to get
  • Problem: we have to decide for each feature individually whether it's admissible
    • This will not work for computer vision tasks where the raw features are pixels

2.3 Causality

Counterfactual Fairness

  • slightly different idea but also based on SCMs (structural causal model)
  • we're basically asking: in the counterfactual world where your gender was different, would you have been accepted?
    • counterfactual: something that has not happened or is not the case

2.3 Causality


Example of a counterfactual statement:

If Oswald had not shot Kennedy, no-one else would have.

This is counterfactual, because Oswald did in fact shoot Kennedy.

It's a claim about a counterfactual world.

2.3 Causality

Counterfactual Fairness

$U$: set of all unobserved background variables

$P(\hat{y}_{s=i}(U) = 1|x, s=i)=P(\hat{y}_{s=j}(U) = 1|x, s=i)$

$i, j \in \{0, 1\}$

$\hat{y}_{s=k}$: prediction in the counterfactual world where $s=k$

practical consequence: $\hat{y}$ is counterfactually fair if it does not causally depend (as defined by the causal model) on $s$ or any descendants of $s$.

2.3 Causality

The problem of getting the SCM

  • Causal models cannot be learned from observational data only
    • You can try, but there is no unique solution
  • Different causal models can lead to very different results

2.3 Causality

Example with Causal Graphs

Example: Law school success

Task: given GPA score and LSAT (law school entry exam), predict grades after one year in law school: FYA (first year average)

Additionally two sensitive attributes: race and gender

2.3 Causality

Example with Causal Graphs

Two possible graphs

2.3 Causality

Causality — Summary

  • Causal models are very promising and arguably the "right" way to solve the problem.
  • However these models are difficult to obtain.

Practical Applications

Transparency and Fairness

3.1 Transparency

Results on the adult income dataset

- Analysis on the relationship feature

- Feature values of the minority group are transformed to match the majority group

- Here, the wife value is translated to husband

3.1 Transparency

Results on the adult income dataset

Interpretable can be fair!

original $X$ fair & interpretable $X$ latent embedding $Z$
Accuracy $\uparrow$ Eq. Opp $\downarrow$ Accuracy $\uparrow$ Eq. Opp $\downarrow$ Accuracy $\uparrow$ Eq. Opp $\downarrow$
LR $85.1\pm0.2$ $\mathbf{9.2\pm2.3}$ $84.2\pm0.3$ $\mathbf{5.6\pm2.5}$ $81.8\pm2.1$ $\mathbf{5.9\pm4.6}$
SVM $85.1\pm0.2$ $\mathbf{8.2\pm2.3}$ $84.2\pm0.3$ $\mathbf{4.9\pm2.8}$ $81.9\pm2.0$ $\mathbf{6.7\pm4.7}$
Fair Reduction LR $85.1\pm0.2$ $\mathbf{14.9\pm1.3}$ $84.1\pm0.3$ $\mathbf{6.5\pm3.2}$ $81.8\pm2.1$ $\mathbf{5.6\pm4.8}$
Fair Reduction SVM $85.1\pm0.2$ $\mathbf{8.2\pm2.3}$ $84.2\pm0.3$ $\mathbf{4.9\pm2.8}$ $81.9\pm2.0$ $\mathbf{6.7\pm4.7}$
Kamiran & Calders LR $84.4\pm0.2$ $\mathbf{14.9\pm1.3}$ $84.1\pm0.3$ $\mathbf{1.7\pm1.3}$ $81.8\pm2.1$ $\mathbf{4.9\pm3.3}$
Kamiran & Calders SVM $85.1\pm0.2$ $\mathbf{8.2\pm2.3}$ $84.2\pm0.3$ $\mathbf{4.9\pm2.8}$ $81.9\pm2.0$ $\mathbf{6.7\pm4.7}$
Zafar et al. $85.0\pm0.3$ $\mathbf{1.8\pm0.9}$ --- --- --- ---

3.1 Transparency


Spurious and non-spurious visualisations are not exciting!

Transferability to new tasks

Disentangling assumption is quite restrictive

3.x Aside

Fairness without constraints

  • Most fairness methods for "during training" are formulated as constraints
  • This means either
    • Using very special models where constrained-based optimization is possible
    • Using Lagrange multipliers

3.x Aside

Lagrange multipliers

Constrained optimization problem:

$$\min\limits_\theta\, f(\theta) \quad\text{s.th.}~ g(\theta) = 0$$

This gets reformulated as

$f(\theta) + \lambda g(\theta)$

where $\lambda$ has to be determined, but is usually just set to some value

3.x Aside

Shortcomings of this

  • The value of $\lambda$ has no real meaning and is usually just set to arbitrary values
  • It's hard to tell whether the constraint is fulfilled

3.x Aside

Alternate approach

  • Introduce pseudo labels $\bar{y}$.
  • Make sure $\bar{y}$ is fair ($\bar{y}\perp s$).
  • Use $\bar{y}$ as prediction target.

$$P(y=1|x,s,\theta)=\sum\limits_{\bar{y}\in\{0,1\}} P(y=1|\bar{y},s)P(\bar{y}|x,\theta)$$

3.x Aside

Alternate approach

For demographic parity:


This allows us to compute $P(y=1|\bar{y},s)$. Which is all we need.

Details: Tuning Fairness by Balancing Target Labels (Kehrenberg et al., 2020)

3.x Aside

Multinomial sensitive attribute

The usual metrics for Demographic Parity are only defined for binary attributes: it's either a ratio or a difference of two probabilities.


Hirschfeld-Gebelein-Rényi Maximum Correlation Coefficient (HGR)

  • defined on the domain [0,1]
  • $HGR(Y,S) = 0$ iff $Y\perp S$
  • $HGR(Y,S) = 1$ iff there is a deterministic function to map between them

3.2 RLHF

Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback

So far we've looked at statistical fairness definition (Sec 2.1)

We then went onto approaches that use Generative Models (Secs 2.2 & 3.1)

All discussion so far about fairness through the lens of classification

But the most famous use of "AI" doesn't see the world in terms of classification

How does ChatGPT produce outputs that aren't completely unhinged?

3.2 RLHF

Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback